A few evenings ago I was not quite bored, but restless, and so started
randomly looking through my craft room. Rummaging in a bag I came
across the template from a Work shop I had joined in many many years ago. Although
the original item was missing I had all the bits and pieces to make another. So
the next day I started cutting and sewing. First to make a head and sew it
together, once the felt was cut out and stuffed with fleece it took shape quiet
nicely. The hat came next with lace trim and roses. Lastly the whiskers and
eyes - the finished head made me laugh as it came alive.
The fabric for the
dress needed lace sewn on top and bottom and lastly a small bag to be filled with dried lavender, and then attach the head. Once the top of the
dress was gathered and fitted just under the head all was finished.
With a big thank you to the Textiles' member who took the workshop all those
years ago, I have had the added pleasure of making another